When one starts a health journey thousands of things run through your head. Doubt is one of the main things that we think of. working out plays such a big role in health and transforming yourself into what you want to be that at times we over think what we are doing because we want results on demand. Over night goals are non existing. Putting your body through rigorous movements & lifting Is not the easiest thing to do especially if you are overweight or obese. It’s challenging both mentally and physically. It’s messy!you literally sweat your ass off. You breathe heavy & get out of breathe. At times you drool & you feel like throwing up. Nothing pretty about it! So it’s something that you have to be mentally prepared for and you’ve got to want it. You have to push through fight for it.

I started without setting a goal. All I knew was that I was over 300 pounds & I had to get this weight off me. I started off by becoming a vegetarian. For quite some time I wanted to quit eating meat. So in January of 2016 I did just that. Now I just needed a workout plan that will keep me interested & motivated because this is my first time doing this. I’ve always been a huge fan of the UFC. So I purchased the complete disc set of UFC fit. The focus was on burning calories, shedding body fat, increasing functional “fighting” strength, and quickly improving cardiovascular fitness not building lots of new muscle mass. Great workout! But I felt like I needed more.

People think we work out just to look good but you see working out is much more than that. Working out gives you mental clarity, it boosts your confidence, it releases stress,  it makes you feel good inside, you get stronger physically, it challenges your body and mind. Working out has changed my life. I’m stronger today because of the 45 mins I dedicate to moving my body at night. It takes a lot of hard work and perseverance but your results will drive you and push you beyond your limits. Not only that, I get to teach my 5 year old all about taking care of his body and how to stay healthy with a good diet and exercising. I make my son part of our workouts and we bond through it. It’s a lifestyle that is so rewarding  once you experience the benefits of exercise and healthy foods.

Like I stated before, I initially started working out with UFC home videos which basically got me warmed up. Then we found beachbody workouts and stuck with that since. We have been doing insanity for 45 days and we are seeing great results. Our bodies are leaner and we are building muscle without spending a lot of money on gym memberships or leaving our son at home. The beauty of the beachbody workouts is that they are ridiculously affordable and you can do any kind of workout from the comfort of your own home through streaming. You like boxing? We have a workout for that. You like yoga? We have a video for beginners. It all depends on what you enjoy and you can switch your workouts whenever you feel the need to.

If you’re tired of wanting more and not taking action, if you want to change your life, or if you just need a workout partner or someone to guide you through this journey, I’m here for you. Reach out to me and we will discuss a plan that works for you.

Let’s break the cycle

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